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Thursday, February 14, 2008

More Men Die With Prostate Cancer Than of It(latest treatment on prostate cancer)

latest treatment on prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is the second leading cause of cancer death in men, after lung cancer. Every year it kills more than 30,000 American males.

There are two different types of the cancer - an aggressive and deadly one and the other a slower-growing and less harmful one. Making possible prostate cancer detection and its severity anticipation is the way to save thousands of men a year from surgery (treatment) they don't need. The big problem is not the surgery itself, but the situation they will face the side effects of that treatment such as impotence, bladder control troubles and possible worst conditions.

To be able for this performance, doctors use varying techniques. The newest methods involve 3-D mapping, a biopsy method in which a grid is placed over the prostate to evaluate the amount of cancer and its precise location. The prostate specific antigen (PSA) is another possibility to detect the severity of prostate cancer. Because PSA can reveal how quickly the cancer changes over time, specialists hope that they will be soon able to anticipate the more aggressive form of prostate cancer.

In the context of accuracy, more typical methods have recently been the subject of debate. One of panel conclusion was that the still standard biopsy helps doctors determine whether cancer is present.

Prostate cancer patients should be very interested in doctor's abilities and methods to determine the severity of their illness. They need a right evaluation of stage and progression of cancer as more men die with prostate cancer than of it.

Valerian D is a freelance writer interested in health issues affecting men such as prostate cancer

latest treatment on prostate cancer

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Monday, February 11, 2008

Options For The Latest Treatment On Prostate Cancer(latest treatment on prostate cancer)

latest treatment on prostate cancer

Prostate cancer is a serious diagnosis. When you find out your have prostate cancer, you want to make sure that you get the right treatment for the type of cancer you have. In order to do this, you will need to work with your doctor and understand your options for the latest treatment on prostate cancer.

Understanding your Options:

There are several options you have when it comes to find the right cancer treatment. Some possibilities range from the “watchful waiting” all the way to the most radical—removing the testes. It is important to understand that there are side effects to all prostate cancer treatment and some forms of treatment work better for some men than other. Here are some of the options you have for the latest treatment on prostate cancer

• Watchful Waiting: This is the least invasive form of cancer treatment and simply is a method of waiting to see what happens over a period of time. This is often the best option for early stages of tumors and prostate cancer.

• Brachytherapy: This is one of the latest treatment on prostate cancer options. This is also a minimally invasive way to treat prostate cancer. It involves implanting radiation “seeds” in the prostate is an excellent choice for young patients or those that are in very good health otherwise. This latest treatment on prostate cancer has less side effects than other treatments and usually has very good outcomes for many men.

• Chemotherapy: Chemotherapy is probably the most common when it comes to treating prostate cancer. This is almost always used when the cancer has spread to other parts of the body, or for late stages of prostate cancer. There are side effects associated with using chemotherapy, however, this may be the only treatment option for some men that suffer from prostate cancer.

• Hormone therapy: This form of treatment is designed to block or suppress the growth of cancer cells in the prostate. It does not kill the cancer, but does prevent it from spreading and growing. There are side effects from using this latest treatment on prostate cancer.

• Prostatectomy: This latest treatment on prostate cancer requires the surgical removal of the prostate. This is often the best way to ensure that the cancer cells do no spread to other parts of the body. This is one treatment that is often recommended for those that are in good overall health and can overcome surgery well. There are very few side effects, other than those associated with surgery.

There are other ways that your doctor may choose to treat your prostate cancer. There are always changes when it comes to treating cancer and if you use a well-qualified cancer specialist, you can be certain that your doctor knows and understands the lasted treatment on prostate cancer options. Only you and your health care provider can decide which type of treatment is right for you.

You can also find more information at Prostate Biopsy and Prostate is a comprehensive resource to know more about prostate cancer treatment.

latest treatment on prostate cancer

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